Gavan Ryle

Gavan Ryle

Partner, PwC Ireland (Republic of)

Gavan Ryle is a partner in the tax services practice and specialises in transfer pricing.

Gavan advises multi-national companies on transfer pricing planning as an element of managing their effective tax rate, and focuses on structuring their international related party transactions to optimise the availability of Ireland's 12.5% corporation tax rate. Ireland's introduction of transfer pricing rules in Finance Act 2010 has increased focus on Irish transfer pricing issues, and Gavan has worked extensively with multi-nationals across a wide range of industries to consider the impact of the new rules and review existing intercompany arrangements in advance of the new rules coming in to effect.

Gavan also advises multi-national companies with dispute resolution and competent authority proceedings and works closely with the competent authority team of the Irish tax authorities to resolve the double taxation arising, minimise the adjustment amount and secure the repayment of Irish tax.

Gavan has been with PwC since 1993, and worked for five years with the Transfer pricing Group in the PwC Sydney between 1997 and 2002.

Gavan is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland and a Member of the Irish Taxation Institute.

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