Data Analytics consulting services

Unlock the power of insight

The explosion of data, growing ubiquity of technology and the insights it can deliver has provided businesses with insights previously inaccessible. The challenge now for many organisations is knowing how to interpret that data and turn the insights it provides into strategic intelligence for competitive advantage.

Data analytics can add real value to your business. It can help to drive faster and better decision-making, reduce costs and streamline business models.

Companies and executives who have been quick to recognise the opportunities data analytics presents are realising large-scale benefits and creating innovative solutions to establish an edge on their competitors.

Solving the biggest issues using data analytics

Building analytics and data management capabilities must be led by business needs, but often business leaders don't know where to start and what results are even possible to achieve. Whatever your issue, we have the expertise and experience to help you translate your data into business value.

Managing enterprise information

Developing a consistent enterprise wide picture of data that can be used across teams and business functions is challenging. It requires businesses to standardise the way terminology and metrics are understood across the organisation as well as the blending of both structured and unstructured information.

Governance standards should be established to  help manage the data creation and maintenance at an enterprise level to ensure that information can be used to meet regulatory compliance requirements and effectively manage risk.

Poor data quality continues to be one of the main barriers to fully integrating data analytics into decision-making. Errors and omissions typically start when the data is captured. Identifying improvements to the capture process is crucial to addressing the root causes of poor data quality.

We help businesses harness the ever-increasing amounts of data available to them by embedding information management as a strategic and sustained capability within their organisation.

Improving trust in AI analytics

As businesses seek to use AI analytics to drive decision-making and profitability, the amount of trust you need in your models becomes more critical. AI must be made more explainable and there is also a need to design "AI for good" that considers social, environmental and financial outcomes.

Organisations must embed governance and controls to catch bias and other flaws whilst aligning their organisational policies with emerging global standards.It is also critical to implement clear policies on data privacy, decisions rights and transparency.

We can help businesses to build a comprehensive AI maturity model and develop communications practices to explain AI-related decisions.

Transformation with analytics

Do the analytics produced in your organisation meet the needs of your business and key stakeholders? Do your end users have the skills needed to put analytics into action? Is your analytics team multidisciplinary?

From a strategic perspective data and analytics must be embedded into your organisation. The people and skills required must be identified and it is critical to define the data and analytics function in terms of how it should interface with the rest of the business.

Operationally it is key for businesses to track and optimise spending and understand the dynamics of their supply chain to optimise costs, service, capacity and inventory. To do this organisations must engage with staff and improve business performance, in a way which will deliver sustainable benefits.

We help businesses create the right data analytics infrastructure to meet their organisations' unique goals, as well as identify the roles and skills required. We can show organisations how to treat data as an asset (e.g. how to commercialise data to drive revenue) and help them to understand and measure key metrics to drive performance.

Making evidence-based decisions

Key stakeholders can often find it difficult to access the information they need to make informed decisions that impact their business. Critical pieces of information must be easy to consume to aid business understanding and enable better decision-making. Large volumes of data must be synthesised in an understandable way which typically requires integrating information from multiple data sources into a single view.

We help businesses to standardise their KPIs definitions and metrics to create a common understanding across the business. Visualisation techniques are then used to bring the key information to business leaders to drive insights from the organisations' data and help improve decision-making.

Increasing operational efficiency

Using data analytics to improve efficiency and reduce costs is rapidly proving effective in achieving and sustaining improvements to business' bottom line.

However, uncovering inefficiencies is only the first step. If change is going to stick and savings sustained, the new way of working must be viable and adopted by the whole organisation.

We help businesses build a complete picture of their operational activities using data to help them to reimagine and streamline processes and eliminating inefficient practices.

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Contact us

Darren O'Neill

Partner, PwC Ireland (Republic of)

Jonathan Hayes

Director, PwC Ireland (Republic of)
