How can we help?

Create insight

We help our clients put information at the heart of their business. We recognise that decision making needs to be supported by information that is accurate and readily available. This means having integrated data, metrics, processes and systems as well as the right behaviours in the way people work - across the entire organisation.

To make the right decisions you need to gather the right information, analyse it, report on it and apply it across the business. To really drive enhanced performance, processes, data, systems and the organisation and behaviours of people must be working in unison.

Remove complexity

We help our clients to remove complexity in their organisation through the simplification and standardisation of processes and technology. This leads to more flexible and customer focused organisations that have stripped out duplicated and fragmented ways of working to focus on the aspects that create value for their customers. They are also able to quickly respond to changes in the environment and to operate at lower cost.

Many organisations have evolved their current operating models over a period of time. They’ve arrived at a current way of organising by virtue of historical accident rather than organisational logic. That means they have become highly complex and operate with fragmented and duplicated processes and with the sub-optimal use of IT.

Improve efficiency

We help our clients to align their support functions with organisational strategy, improve operational effectiveness and reduce cost. This includes developing the optimal delivery model; streamlining and reorganising teams; simplifying, standardising and automating processes and systems; selecting and optimising outsourcing relationships; and developing an organisation’s people and capabilities.

Support functions (e.g. IT, Finance, HR, Procurement, Facilities, Legal, Customer Services) are critical in ensuring that organisations realise value from their operations. They frequently connect with customers, suppliers and other stakeholders, run core processes, infrastructure and projects and each have a unique perspective of an organisation’s performance. In many cases, support functions have fallen out of alignment with the organisation’s wider strategic aims and are limiting an organisation’s ability to deliver on its priorities.

Reduce cost

We help our clients reduce their operating costs through strategic re-structuring and by supporting them in designing and delivering a suite of initiatives required to reduce costs.

We help transform client cost bases and review revenue efficiency to deliver long term savings, helping organisations achieve a sustainable reduction in their cost base of up to 25 - 40%.

Change is hard – and difficult to execute. Cost initiatives are often poorly designed and badly implemented. They consist of short-term savings which leak away once the organisation goes back to its old ways of working.

2024 Irish CEO Survey

This is more than a survey. It’s your reinvention playbook.

Contact us

Michael McDaid

Partner, PwC Ireland (Republic of)

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